Top 4 Renovation Trends

Articles for the Ambitious Real Estate Investor

Improving Outdoor Living Areas

To increase room and space for living and working, many have been bringing the indoors out.  Outdoor renovations have been a priority in 2021 and 2022.  Many adding outdoor decks with awnings or full porches for space.  The pool industry has seen an increase in people putting in pools and outdoor showers, etc.  In addition, outdoor firepits, built in grill areas and outdoor kitchens and dining areas are all the rave.  People want their backyards to be an extension of their interior living space and many of the advances in the materials that the chairs, tables, and rugs are made from allow this to happen. 

Home Office

The home office is becoming a necessity for today’s workforce.  It is estimated that 45% of full-time employees are working partly or fully remote (i.e., from home).  It is safe to assume that these remote workers will need an office space at home.  Therefore, many homeowners have been turning a room into a home office or a multifunctional space. The most common is the kitchen counter home office hybrid space. Also, sitting rooms off from bedrooms are being converted along with smaller family rooms. Guest rooms also do double duty, with desks and sleeping in the same room.

Textured Walls and Wallpaper

Many designers seem to be shifting from the boring flat and smooth walls to a more textured walls using faux materials like faux bricks or textured wall materials to mimic concrete or other stone surfaces.   Also textured wallpaper and paints are ways to get a unique look and feel.  It gives the wall a bit more dimension and visual interest.  There are many interesting materials that are getting people excited and allows them to show their own style and personality. Raw metals and other types of natural textures are also popular for the more modern contemporary projects.

Low Maintenance Projects

Many are looking to do projects that result in them reducing the amount of maintenance required of them each year.  A great example is maintenance free siding that last super long and a lot less upkeep for the homeowner.  Over the past years, more and more people opted for fiber-cement siding due to the reduced maintenance and long lasting.  It’s a combination of cement, sand, and cellulosic fibers that looks like wood but won’t rot or be eaten by termites and other wood-boring insects.  Maintenance is limited to a cleaning and some caulking each spring.  Repaint every 10 to 15 years.  In contrast, wood requires repainting every 4 to 7 years.  Other low maintenance siding includes new vinyl siding which is now more resistant to sun damage and no longer fades in the sun even when using darker colors.  Many of these materials can also resist winds up to 200 mph. 

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Randy Rodenhouse
Author: Randy Rodenhouse

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